Monday, February 15, 2016

Thinking, Talking, Exploring

As we began to tackle our new unit, the grade two girls tuned-in with a pre-assessment task. 

This activity directed their background knowledge and to began to challenge their understanding of what exactly is the form and function of a transportation system. 

Working in their table groups, each group had several cards with various objects on them. The students were asked to decide if each card was part of transportation system or not. Some were quite obvious, but others were more difficult to discern. As they discussed in their groups, conversations developed about the nature of transportation systems.

What is a transportation system? What is not?

Some girls speculated a transportation system had wheels, others disagreed. Some said that transportation systems carried objects, while others stated that transportation systems are things that move.

If they were unsure of a card, they were encouraged to post their questions on the wonderwall.

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