Peak Into Grade 2 Mathematics
Last week, Mr. Hughes and Ms. Sandra visited us in 2A and 2B and taught some fun addition activities for learning addition number bonds."Make 20" was a dueling game in which two players turned around and quickly circled the matching pair.
Many of girls had so much fun in either activity that they continued playing even after the lessons were over!
Join in on the learning!
Try asking your daughter about one of these games and practice number bonds together at home!
Also, feel free to check out the link below for a "behind-the-scenes" of how a lesson like these are planned. At Seisen we follow a Primary Years Programme guided through a Solo Taxonomy framework.
HTB/ Make 20 Lesson Plan
So what's next in Grade 2 mathematics?
We will be learning how to...
HTB/ Make 20 Lesson Plan
So what's next in Grade 2 mathematics?
We will be learning how to...
- Develop strategies for memorizing addition numbers facts
- Estimate sums and differences
- Add numbers with up to three digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
- Use manipulatives, drawings, tools and notations to show strategies and solutions
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